Platinum Members

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Check out the Casino offers and promotions available to you below and make the most of every visit!


What's On 1 and 4Title + CTA#B99AFF#c4a453
3 columnsTitle + Intro + CTA#B99AFF#c4a453

Platinum Member Benefits

The perks of becoming a Platinum Member, you receive a 30% discount on hotel stays, and on food and beverage purchases at most of our restaurants and bars, plus so much more. 

Dining Specials 3 columnsTitle + Intro + CTA#B99AFF#c4a453


Enjoy the brand-new Sovereign - Australia’s largest private gaming room.

Every element of the new luxurious space has been carefully crafted and sourced from around the world to welcome our guests and enhance their entertainment experience.

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Explore The Star Sydney 4 columnsGradient overlay center + CTA#111111#c4a453