We’re excited to announce that we will again be hosting a WSOP Circuit Event, right here at The Star Gold Coast.
Join us from 23 November through to 5 December, for a massive series which features 12 WSOP Circuit ring events, along with an additional three trophy events!
Series highlights include the $1,350 ($800 + $400 + $150) Mystery Bounty, the $10k ($9,600 + $400) Super High Roller and of course, the $3,000 ($2,700 + $300) Main Event. Tournament buy-ins start at $500 and with so many satellites on the schedule to the larger events, there really is something for everyone!
Tournament conditions apply. To register for WSOP Circuit Gold Coast you must be a Member of The Star Club. To join The Star Club, you must be 18 years of over and provide valid photo identification. @WORLD SERIES OF POKER CIRCUIT is a trademark of William Hill US Holdco, Inc. Used with permission. Player Activity Statements are available on request from The Star Club Desk or via our website. BET WITH YOUR HEAD, NOT OVER IT. Gambling Helpline 1800 858 858 www.gamblinghelpqld.org.au