The Star Gold Coast will consider providing up to $10,000 of funding for capital projects, events or activities that meet these requirements:
Individuals planning an activity, event or undertaking a capital project for the benefit of the community (within the City of Gold Coast local government area); or
Established community groups and not for profit organisations planning an activity, event or undertaking a capital project for the benefit of the community (within the City of Gold Coast local government area); or
Workplaces or businesses that are planning an activity, event or undertaking a capital project that supports the local community (within the City of Gold Coast local government area); and
Should be a legal entity with an ABN number, incorporated association or registered charity.
Each application received will be assessed on these criteria:
Capital project, event or activity located within the local area and must be conducted within the next 12 months;
Clearly identifies and addresses community involvement;
Directly benefits or builds capacity within the community;
Detailed description of the event, activity or capital project including timeframes and an itemised budget;
Assessment of past grants if applicable; and
Only one successful application per organisation and project per financial year.